Clear cups, portion pots & bowls


Biodegradable & compostable, made from plants not plastic.

As part of our new range of Eco-Ware we our proud to present our smoothie cups, portion pots, lids and bowls, all of which are made purely with Ingeo™ Bioplastic PLA.

To purchase any of these products from our online shop, just click on the links below. Alternatively send us an enquiry for personalised eco-friendly clear cups and bowls made without plastic.

What is Ingeo™ Bioplastic PLA?

Ingeo™ Bioplastic PLA is a thermoplastic with the physical characteristics and performance of plastic. Naturally advanced Ingeo™ resins used in food service-ware have a significantly lower carbon footprint that the fossil fuel-based polymers that it replaces, because the manufacture of Ingeo™ Bioplastic PLA emits fewer greenhouse gasses (GHGs) than the comparable manufacture of all common petrochemical based plastics. The innovation of turning plants into plastic, allows us to exclude non-renewable resources (such as oil) from the products of our range.

Our smoothie cups, portion pots, lids and deli bowls are all made purely with Ingeo™ Bioplastic PLA This sustainable solution is both commercially compostable and biodegradable.

Our Ecoware products give you a sustainable option that maintains exceptional performance with superior insulation. Other features:

  • Commercially compostable
  • Renewable Resources
  • Paper from managed forests
  • Oil free
  • Cold content Friendly
  • Non-toxic inks

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In the late 1970’s two friends and colleagues, Tim Allen and Stewart Middleton, saw a gap in the market for a different type of packaging company. At the time other businesses were selling custom made boxes and stocked packaging consumables, but Tim & Stewart wanted to offer more than that. They wanted to give their clients additional services such as warehouse storage and the ability to ‘call off’ their packaging as and when it was required…

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