Change of legislation the grace period is over in exporting to New York; don’t get stung with a fine.
Recently New York has became another major city to join a growing group of cities in banning expandable polystyrene foam (EPS). In use today EPS products are as such; Cups, bowls, plates, take away containers, trays and most important to our customer base packing peanuts.
Reasons why?
In the US it is marketed under the name Styrofoam invented in 1941. It is estimated that Americans alone throw away 25 billion polystyrene coffee cups a year. It is through one simple fact like this that make the issue stand out, especially considering that polystyrene is a form of polythene it is difficult to recycle.
How does this affect our customers or us?
Well as a packaging supplier, a common product is loos fill® polystyrene which has been used for years by companies to pack items. In the US, they refer to this product as packaging ‘peanuts’ as it is made out of polystyrene it has now been banned. If you export to New York you have to be careful, as of the 1st July the New York Port authority. Set the ban and gave companies 6 months to comply or fines will apply. That grace period is now over.
If for your packaging operation, loose fill chips are your preference. There is good news, our packaging Peanuts are made from starch, not polystyrene. Which makes them 100% biodegradable and 100% compostable.
So don’t run the risk. If shipping to New York, we advice putting some proof of this in the parcel.
PaperNuts are a new kind of quality void fill paper that minimizes damage from shock, vibration and the migration of goods within the box. The interlocking PaperNuts are approximately 30mm x 100mm in size. As a product they are recycled, recyclable, reusable, compostable, biodegradable and sustainable from renewable resources.
Tardis Paper rolls are simple, cost effective and easy to use void fill paper system. The Tardis paper is a strong void fill paper that offers a superior level of protection to our products and offers 50% more void fill than flat or smooth paper.